In Kernel, applicatives (procedures) have underlying operatives (fexprs), and 'wrap is the axiomatic way to make an applicative, kinda like Arc's use of 'annotate to make macros. I don't know whether or not I'm not particularly attached to 'wrap; I kind of included it on a whim in order to support a nifty definition of 'fn.
As far as the bug goes, I still haven't tested the code, but here are a few fixes I just pushed, which may or may not be relevant:
(def feval (expr (o env fenv*))
(case type.expr
cons (fapply (feval car.expr env) cdr.expr env)
- sym do.env.expr
+ sym (fenv-get env expr)
; The 'applicative type is totally Kernel's idea.
(def fapply (op args (o env fenv*))
(case type.op
fexpr (rep.op env args)
- applicative ((rep rep.op) env (map [feval _ env] args))
+ applicative (fapply unwrap.op (map [feval _ env] args) env)
(apply op (map [feval _ env] args))))
+; We use a singleton list so that an applicative can wrap an
+; applicative. Using 'annotate does nothing to a value that's already
+; of the given type.
(fdef wrap (fexpr)
- (annotate 'applicative fexpr))
+ (annotate 'applicative list.fexpr))
(fdef unwrap (applicative)
- rep.applicative)
+ rep.applicative.0)